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This knowledge was imparted by Lord Sri Krishna, the Universal Teacher, to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, when Arjuna was in a stressful and confused state of mind and refused to fight the war of Dharma. Upon receiving this knowledge and internalizing it, he returned to his stable warrior self.
You have the right to only perform your duty but not to the reward of action; do not be the cause for the result of actions; do not have attachment to inaction. [Bhagavadgita 2-47]
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This Bhagavadgita, the summarized essence of the Upanishads, is a thriving philosophical treatise м — цена 600 грн в каталоге Спортивные штаны ✓ Купить женские вещи по доступной цене на Шафе , Nike, спортивные штаны, Украина #149859201, preview nike blazer low speed yellow in 700 verses systematically divided into 18 chapters each one expounding one specific philosophical doctrine described as a YOGA.
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Bhagavadgita, the Song Celestial, is a dialogue in nectarine poetry in which Bhagavan (Lord) Sri Krishna, the universal teacher, imparted knowledge of the Self and various other philosophical doctrines to Arjuna 5000 yrs. ago. Kurukshetra battlefield is the setting and Bharat (India) is the platform for the universal message of this Divine discourse of eternal relevance handed down for the well-being of humanity cutting across nations, creeds and ages.