Yesterday, a spiritual social service organization ‘Bhagavad Gita Foundation’ in Hyderabad was visited by famous film actress, BJP leader, Sri Krishna Bhaktura Madhavilatha, Senior Journalist, Tree Media Managing Director Sri Anjibabu, Divya Diamonds Head Sri Mahendrababu, Sri Vasantha Kumar Goud, Chartered Accountant Sri Rajesh couple. Geetha Gana Prophecy Campaigner, Bhagavad Gita Foundation Founder Dr. II L. వి. Gangadhara Shastri – The guests were welcomed and recited Bhagavad Geeta. They learned about many things in Bhagavad Gita and the programs undertaken by the Foundation. ‘They said they will support Gangadhara Shastri’s great determination to light Geeta lights in every house. Madhavilatha, Anjibabu said that they got divine experience by listening to ‘Viswarupasandarshana Yogam’.
Yesterday, the Bhagavadgita Foundation, a spiritual and social service organization in Hyderabad, was visited by renowned actress and BJP leader Madhavilatha, senior journalist and Tree Media Managing Director Sri Anjibabu, Divya Diamonds Head Sri Mahendrababu, Adab Hyderabad Managing Director Sri Vasantha Kumar Goud, and Chartered Accountant Sri Rajesh along with his wife.
Dr. L.V. Gangadhara Sastry, renowned singer, global preacher, and propagator of Bhagavadgita, founder and chairman of the Bhagavadgita Foundation, welcomed the guests, honored them, and presented them with copies of the Bhagavadgita.
The guests learned about several aspects of the Bhagavadgita and the various initiatives undertaken by the foundation. They expressed their support for Dr. Gangadhara Sastry’s grand vision of spreading the light of Bhagavadgita in every home.
Madhavilatha and Anjibabu shared that they experienced a divine feeling after listening to the ‘Vishwarupa Sandarshana Yoga’.